
Ken's Background

As might be obvious, I fashioned this website myself. It lacks an interactive quality, inviting the reader in, at the heart of all writing, but I hope you’ll look past that. Nevertheless, it’s offered to provide a place to point interested people who might want to read various writings I’ve done that have been published. Thank you for taking the time to explore by clicking on the categories above to see an image of a publication (if it was print-only) or a link to it if that was available.

I owe everything to my family and friends, particularly Sally, the love of my life. Both only children, we have been blessed with wonderful friends and opportunities. You can see some of my main influences on the Home page, and also below.

A 46-year career, as teacher, counselor, and principal at my alma mater, Sacred Heart Cathedral in San Francisco, marked my life. I also taught evening classes, English and Education, collegiately for many years at Holy Names College and the University of San Francisco.

I enjoyed great college experiences, fulfilling and ongoing ever since, with the best college friends imaginable. Sally and I still enjoy attending basketball games and other events at nearby St. Mary’s College, where I learned to write, think and interact in the context of a wondrous Great Books / Seminar approach that broadened my horizons in life.

So too, I enjoyed a Doctoral experience that was the perfect marriage of Social Critical Theory and Reader Response Theory. My mentor, Ellen “Annie” Herda, with her double doctorate in Education and Anthropology, authored a most meaningful educational grounding.

And, as always, I am blessed by my daughter Erin and Sally’s children Heather and Terry, all a constant source of joy.

Our granddaughter Melissa (see “Playing Army” story), a talented soccer player and graphic designer/story boarder, would have done a much better job making this website pop. Still, I enjoyed the challenge and am satisfied with it as is.

The image on the cover page — my billboard — amuses me. Sally, a newspaper editor and columnist, is also an actress. When she was doing a shoot for a 7th Day Adventist ad, I accompanied her as a background extra, The ad agency liked my look as a teacher (surprise?), even though I didn’t appreciate the bow tie. In any case, they used me in place of the person they had as a teacher, and months later friends in various parts of the state saw my image on billboards and tray covers at airports.

Luckily, Sally has had her own national commercials (e.g., 23 and Me) and isn’t a jealous partner.

I hope you enjoy the site and readings. Some of the educational essays/articles are still available to access on line.

If you wish to communicate, my email address is Kenhogarty@gmail.com.

Thank you for your interest,  Ken

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